Friday, August 17, 2007

YKT 214

Before attending class of ykt 214, my view is neutral (Pandangan berkecuali) which is how the technology beneficial us depends on how we use it. Just like CCTV, it can be used to reduce crime but it can also be used as peeping purpose. It is just depends on the purpose of the person who using it. However, after a few weeks attending to the class, I start thinking in realism perspective. It is more realistic on questioning who own the communication technology and the accessibility of society to communication technology. I start thinking in the other way round. I remembered there is an advertisement shows that even in rural area where natives stay also can access internet. This indicates the development of technology to rural area. However, is this really happen is still a question.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Welcome to yen hong's space...

This blog is creating in a rush. Since i'm lack of my time so i just want to drop a few words here...
Welcome for viewing my space here... ^-^