Monday, March 16, 2009

Final Year Project

Finally, I am done with my documentary and music video shooting and editing. It's truly a relief for me. (Although my graphic computer project is yet to be completed) Finally, I can have a little private time to get my own things done. There are 3 weeks more before my final year project is fully submitted (Take note, Impact Week is on 1st until 3rd of Mac... As a member of publicity department, I must promote it) Just hope that everything will b done smoothly. After 3 weeks, it's time for me to search for job (sigh... another tough task).

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Final Year Project

Finally, a six-days shoot ends. The shoot is very tiring, i can said that. But even it's tiring but it's still a good try to shoot for a historical documentary as i think it might suit RTM type of documentary. :p As lecturer said, it's a challenge.

We spent about 3 days to shoot in Komtar. Undoubtedly, looking from Komtar 65 level is scary but exciting. It is a chance to test whether i'm acrophobia. As a result, i still can stand well at such a high level by telling myself all the building under my foot are replica. It's an unforgettable memory indeed.

It'll be 1 week editing waiting for us ahead. Sigh.. Another tiring task. Hopefully i can do my best in this documentary and music video.