Saturday, May 08, 2010

Have I ever told you?

Have I ever told you?
You did so many things that touched my heart
The most unforgettable one is 
you drive me back to my hometown
It's been several years I didn't back to hometown since my study in Unversity
It's great to be there
To view
To feel
To touch 
My lovely hometown
But most importantly is
The person besides me is you
What makes it unforgettable is not the journey itself
But your intention to know my background and where I am from...

1 comment:

patricianseng said...

Have he ever told you...
That you mean a lot to him...
That he love you so much...
That he miss you so much...
That he wish to know everything about you....
That he wish to recollect all those time that he had wasted for knowing you so late and not earlier...
That he just wanna to be with you for his coming life...
Before he eventually leave this world....